Fire Prevention / Fire Bureau

Fire Prevention Bureau Mission Statement

It shall be the goal of the Palos Fire Protection District to actively promote and provide public fire prevention education, to eliminate needless fire deaths due to fire, and to protect structures from loss due to fire, through enforcement of all applicable codes and installation of protection systems. Fire prevention is recognized as an essential component in the overall fire suppression effort.
1. Promote installation of early detection equipment in residences, public

and commercial buildings.
2. To provide fire safety and prevention programs to all educational institutions including
    pre-school centers within the District and to assist these facilities in conducting fire
    drills and inspections.
3. Inspect all buildings within the District boundaries on an annual basis. Buildings designated

as high risk shall be inspected twice annually.
4. To provide safety related articles for media publication of a monthly basis.
5. To provide fire prevention education to all firefighters during scheduled training sessions.
6. Provide opportunities for firefighters and officers to attend training conferences and seminars
    in areas of fire prevention, code enforcement, public education and investigative methods.
7. Investigate all fires to determine origin and cause.
8. To actively promote and installation of sprinklers in all residential, commercial

and public buildings.
9. Upon request, or determination of need, provide adult awareness

and juvenile fire setters program.
10. Assist in the review of plans and blue prints for all new structures, existing structures
      undergoing renovation or remodeling, and new developments.
11. to support any enhancement, improvements, or opportunities that provide service through
     9-1-1 and its committees.

Any questions with Fire Prevention or the Fire Bureau please contact the Fire Marshal at

(708) 448-0369 ext. 290 or email

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